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Tuesday 7th September 2004
Pomposa to Comacchio and back
The breakfasts keep getting better. We were invited to help ourselves to anything from the breakfast table to make our sandwiches for lunch. There was bread, ham, cheese, fruit tart, peaches, fruit juice, milk and a soft cheese. In total about 6 times as much as we can eat for breakfast. Having eaten breakfast and made sandwiches we had made very little impression on what was there.
Today we are off to Camacchio about 30km away to the south.
Down to coast to Lido di Volano and then through a forest on a cycle
track for about 5km eventually ending up at the Lido di Nazionale.
From there we travelled to San Guiseppe and then on to Comacchio
otherwise known as “Little Venice”.
We spent most of the day here wandering round the canals and seeing the sights
before returning about 4 along the same route to Pomposa stopping at Volano for
The route was shaded for long stretches so even though the temperature was in the low thirties it didn’t
feel too hot.
Mileage today 39.3 Total mileage so far 315.7.