Pictures of the family of Giles Tanner and Martha Butler

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Mary Selina Tanner

Some of the photographs on this page are courtesy of John Doran and Sue Hill in Canada
- Giles Tanner and Martha Butler are John's Gt. Gt. Grandparents (and mine!)
(click on the thumbnail pictures to get a larger image)


Mary Selina Tanner (Fifth child)                
The first of these pictures was taken in Bath, the second and third in London, the location of the fourth is unknown.

Mary Selina Tanner with Eveline Tanner
(approx 1930)

Aubrey Giles with Mary Selina Tanner and Eveline Tanner
Joyce and Aubrey Thomas and Jane Tanner
at 35 Third Avenue Bath
(approx 1938)


Page updated 29/03/2010





